8 Skin Care Trends That Will Be HUGE in 2019

Unlike fashion, makeup and hair trends, skin care trends don’t always get a lot of buzz from the beauty and lifestyle industries. But that’s about to change. With more and more people taking a more holistic approach to beauty and getting savvier and savvier with what they put inside their bodies, healthy skin—and the pursuit of it—will definitely take center stage in 2019. As another year makes its grand arrival, dermatologists and skin care experts have their own ideas on how skin care will evolve in the months ahead. From an investment in technology to one in supplements, here’s what you can expect in 2019 to make you even more beautiful than you already are.

1. Skin care will be more streamlined.

One of the biggest makeup trends for 2018 is a natural look—which means it only makes sense that for 2019, the whole beauty industry is going back to basics, says licensed esthetician and professional makeup artist Corey Michol Sam. In other words, taking care of our skin—without complicated, multi-step routines—will be a top priority. Sam predicts more brands will refocus on cleansing, toning and moisturizing above anything else. This simplified skin care approach gives users time to focus on other aspects of their lives, like self-care and wellness, while also allowing their pores to breathe. 

2. Need skin advice? There’s an app for that.

No matter the need or question you have, there’s an app for that. Now you’ll likely be doing the same for your skin predicaments, according to dermatologist Dr. Janet H. Prystowsky, MD, Ph.D. She says there are many developers trying to help people with skin problems, including the American Academy of Dermatology, who released a new tech-forward app designed to manage chronic urticaria. “The app allows people to journal and diary their hives, learn about them and discuss them with their dermatologist,” she explains. If you’re curious, check out the app store for your iPhone or Android and dabble into the scene. As more companies release ways to track skin progress, we’ll have more information on how to tame flare-ups, breakouts and the rest of ’em.

In addition to apps, expect to see a range of smart beauty devices—beauty tools that can be easily connected to the Internet, Bluetooth and mobile apps—to hit the stores. Aside from offering faster results and cutting-edge designs, this new breed of devices will put a premium on convenience, with most of them wireless, portable and multifunctional to make incorporating them into your routine as seamless as possible.

3. SPF will get higher and cleaner.

Or rather, people will be willing to prescribe to a higher SPF as more awareness around skin cancer heightens. Dr. Prystowsky explains that the days of tanning beds are gone, as younger generations understand the risk of unnecessary sun exposure and have access to at-home tanning products that require zero dangerous UV rays. They’ll also go natural with their formulas in response to global warming. “People will use higher-SPF sunscreens because of increasing skin cancer risk, but will avoid oxybenzone because it is bad for the environment,” she explains.

4. Skin care products will respond to inflammation and pollution.

When you inhale and exhale, it’s easy enough to know if the air you’re breathing is healthy or questionable. But there is a pollution you turn to day in and day out that you don’t give a second thought to. Until this year, that is. Dermatologist Dr. Sabrina G. Fabi, MD, FAAD predicts more skin care products will target the effects of these toxic environmental factors. “There is mounting evidence to support that pollution not only increases the amount of pigmentation, redness and wrinkles one has, but also can increase bone loss,” she explains.

The good news is there is a way to manage these downfalls, since Dr. Fabi explains that the topicals we apply on our skin, as well as the cleansers we use, can minimize the particulate matter that sits on our face and helps minimize the detrimental aging effects of pollution on skin. She suggests that using a topical with a powerful antioxidant can ward away the harmful inflammation. “Using topicals that fuel your cell’s energy stores to heal and repair at night from all the insult our skin experiences during the day,” she explains.

5. Taking a beauty supplement will be more common.

People have been using the natural fibers of the earth since the dawn of time, but lately, vitamins, especially the ones designed for the skin, hair and nails, have become trendier than ever. Board-certified dermatologist Dr. Papri Sarkarsays that thanks to more readily available research and information about how our skin is impacted by our diet, beauty supplements will see an uptick in sales in 2019. This promotes the idea of feeling gorgeous from the inside out, as people edit their diets, too.

“Many will decrease sugars and dairy, and add in fish oil and vitamin B3. I think some will also add biotin and zinc,” she explains. She shares that some of her patients dig Hum Nutrition OMG Omega the Great, because many fish oils have an aftertaste but this large pill doesn’t and it’s easy to pop. “I recommend keeping any vitamins and supplements near your toothbrush or house keys so you don’t forget to take them,” she adds.

6. More beauty brands will follow the “clean” and “honest” route.

Since we are more aware than ever of what we are putting into our bodies, why wouldn’t we maintain the same diligence with our skin care? Dr. Sarkar shares that people will be even more mindful about beauty products, checking—and analyzing—every last ingredient.

“It makes people feel like their values are aligned and they’re taking control of their health,” she explains. “It’s nice that many brands and stores are labeling what their products are free from for patients who are looking for those products.” If you want to ensure that every part of your routine is clean and trustworthy, she suggests Indie Lee as a reputable brand. Depending on your skin type, there are various options, but the formula works with nature, not against it.

In addition to clean formulas, expect to see some new and trendy natural ingredients in your new favorite skin care products, like cannabis or CBD oil, silver, activated charcoal and kefir.

7. Light therapy will continue to be big.

Light therapy isn’t anything new, but as new research sheds more light on the benefits of light therapy, more and more dermatologists will be prescribing it to their patients. “There has been a lot of recent research on the healing power of LED lights,” explains Dr. Clara Yu, aesthetic medicine specialist and founder and CEO of Beauty Cult. “Different lights can treat different skin conditions: red for inflammation, yellow for anti-aging, blue for acne and green for skin pigmentation. By combining these LED light treatments with your daily skin care regimen two to three times a week, it will speed up your results.”

8. More people will opt into professional skin care.

According to Dr. Yu, as interest in skin care soars, more people are looking into graduating to professional skin care products—or those that are clinically backed and mostly physician-dispensed. “Traditional skin care regimens are a must for daily maintenance, but in order to get faster results, the trend is going toward more scientific and medical-grade products,” she says. “With better delivery methods and cell signaling, you can see better results, especially in anti-aging products that aid in collagen production.”